The type attribute of the element specifies the class to instantiate as the source document object. 元素的类型属性指定作为源文档对象要实例化的类。
You then filtered these items based on the value of the type attribute using JavaScript and DHTML. 然后根据type属性值使用JavaScript和DHTML过滤这些项。
The type attribute of the element can tell whether the document entry corresponds to image type. 元素的type属性可以指出文档项是否对应于图像类型。
This is probably because the value is already qualified by the type attribute. 这可能是因为这个数据已经受到type属性的限制。
The type attribute specifies whether the component is a BC or an SE. type属性指定组件是BC还是SE。
Atom allows instances to specify a type attribute on elements containing text constructs. Atom允许实例对包含文本结构的元素指定一个xsi:type属性。
To do this, specify the value for the binding element's type attribute. 为此,可以为binding元素的type属性指定值。
Listing 9 contains the type attribute, identifying the embedded source as a Flash file. 清单9包含type属性,该属性将嵌入的源识别为Flash文件。
In cases where another data type is required, specify the data type attribute to match that of the field in the form? s schema. 在需要其他数据类型的情况中,请指定数据类型属性来匹配表单模式中的字段。
If the type attribute is checkbox, the bean property's type is expected to be boolean. 如果type属性为checkbox,则要求bean属性的类型为boolean。
The jsp: useBean action requires that either the class or type attribute be present; in this case class is given. useBean操作要求必须给出class或type属性,本例中给出了class。
You use literal, which means you choose a concrete schema definition using either the element or type attribute. 如果您使用literal,这表示您使用一个使用元素或类型属性的具体的模式定义。
The type attribute specifies the type of exception to be intercepted by this handler. type属性指定了这个异常处理程序会截获的异常类型。
You must also define which scripting language you are coding in with the type attribute. 还必须用type属性定义使用哪种脚本语言编码。
The type attribute is a unique identifier that is used for two purposes. type属性是惟一标识符,有两个用途。
Notice the values of the type attribute in this definition file: The element is mapped to an array, while the nested s are mapped to simple string values. 注意定义文件中type属性的值:元素映射到一个数组,嵌套的映射为简单字符串值。
Each element has both a name and type attribute that specify the message part name and its corresponding data type. 每一个元素具有一个名字和类型属性来定义消息part的名字及相应的数据类型。
The field tag accepts a type attribute that specifies the type of information that you want to store, and can be used to specify the grammar rules to be used for accepting. 字段标记将接收一个type属性,该属性指定了要存储信息的类型,并且还可以用于指定接收操作所使用的语法规则。
They replace the value of the phone element and the value of the@ type attribute, respectively. 它们分别替换phone元素和@type属性的值。
Give the global element a type attribute which refers to the newly named complexType. 为全局元素提供一个类型属性,该属性引用新命名的complexType。
The type attribute gives the qualified name of the port type implemented by the binding. type属性指定了这个绑定所实现的端口类型全名。
If the elements do not specify the type attribute, then at least specify the index attribute. 如果这些元素没有指定type属性,至少指定了index属性。
The fourth type alternative checks whether the type attribute exists. 第四个类型替换将检查type属性是否存在。
The required type attribute should declare the type of property as the fully qualified name of a Java class. 必需的type属性应该将属性类型声明为一个Java类的完全限定名。
IDList is a class used for bulk updates that contains a list of IDs and a type attribute whose legal values are topic, response, and any. IDList是一个用于bulk更新的类,它包含了一个ID列表和一个type属性,该属性的合法值为topic、response和any。
You need to ensure that every element contains the type attribute in order to sort recipes. 您需要确保每个元素都包含type属性,以对菜谱进行分类。
The first three type alternatives select a type based on the value of the type attribute being text, html, or xhtml. 前三个类型替换根据type属性的值(text、html或xhtml)选择类型。
Now create a Request& set the type attribute to "General," and associate it with your project. 现在创建一个请求&设置类型属性为“General,”并将它与您的项目联合起来。
Load Error: Missing the Type attribute in a map entry. 加载错误:丢失映射项中的类型属性。
A parent Certificate in a certificate chain did not contain an appropriate value in the xrmlbodydescriptorobject type attribute! 证书链中的父级证书在xrmlbodydescriptorobject类型的属性中没有包含适当的值!